Happy Support Women Artists Now Day 2018!

Happy Support Women Artists Now Day 2018! Take time on SWAN Day to tell a woman artist how much you appreciate her creativity. There is tremendous power in these simple acts of recognition.
Happy Support Women Artists Now Day 2018! Take time on SWAN Day to tell a woman artist how much you appreciate her creativity. There is tremendous power in these simple acts of recognition.
Ten powerful New York film groups, including leading advocates for women in film, are celebrating SWAN Day together this Saturday at a special screening of a film about Winnie Madikizela Mandela.
The theme of SWAN Day Kenya 2018 is Closing the Gap: Connecting Artists, and over 70 female artists will participate in the day-long festival this year.
One of Houston’s most celebrated Hollywood movie directors, Michelle Mower, will be sharing her industry insights at SWAN Day Houston this Saturday.
SWAN Day Milwaukee, now in its third year, invited women artists to explore women’s artistic and spiritual connections to nature, and how these roots nourish one’s work, activism and daily living.
Musica Femina will be an ambitious exhibition designed to honor women composers with an immersive installation of art, architecture and sound at Vienna’s Orangerie at Schönbrunn Palace .
Made In Her Image is a non-profit dedicated to advancing girls and non-binary youth of color in film, media, and technology. It’s goal is to nurture future film pioneers and revolutionaries.
WomenArts is collaborating with Symmetry Theatre on two SWAN Day performances featuring Mexican and U.S. actors in a special bilingual adaptation of Julia Cho’s “The Language Archive.”
Sound Theatre’s 2018 season is called “The Human Family: Toward A Radical Inclusion,” and features artists living with disability in classic comedies, a world premiere, and a reading series.
Nominations are open for The International Centre for Women Playwrights 50/50 Applause Awards, which recognize theatres that are producing women’s plays for 50% of their seasons.
Pakistan’s Theatre Wallay is using theatre to help communities reclaim schools, movie theaters, and other public spaces which have been targeted as venues for terror.
Four major American theaters have filled top leadership positions with women theatre-makers this winter. Hopefully it’s the beginning of a major shift.
WomenArts is thrilled to announce that we will be partnering with Statera Foundation to coordinate Support Women Artists Now Day/SWAN Day 2018.
We had so many great entries in our SWAN Day Song Contest and Photo Contest last year that we have decided to do them again!
There will be over 250 Women’s Marches this Saturday and Sunday to mark the anniversary of the protests of President Trump’s inauguration.