Category Archives: Writers/Literature

The Wisdom Of bell hooks: Love As A Verb

bell hooks photo

In her wide-ranging book, “All About Love: New Visions,” the brilliant feminist scholar, bell hooks, explored the ways that sexism, classism, racism, and capitalism have limited our capacity to love each other. She urged us to use radical love to transform society. Three years after her death, her ideas are gaining traction.

Illustrated History of Women in Film & A Women’s Film Festival in Denver

Hollywood Her Story

“Hollywood: Her Story, An Illustrated History of Women and the Movies” sets out to document that women have been in the film business since the flickering early days of its existence. The lavishly illustrated book provides information on approximately 1200 women in film, starting with Alice Guy-Blaché in 1896.

Martha Richards Reflects on SWAN Day 2021

Chloe Zhao

Today is Support Women Artists Now Day/SWAN Day 2021. In this tumultuous year, WomenArts President Martha Richards reflects on the power of women artists to create positive change. She is hopeful because she believes that women artists have the imagination to help the world recover.

“Fishwives” & “Hello, This is Jane.” – Two Great Feminist Books!

Sally Bellerose

Looking for some feminist fiction for SWAN Day? WomenArts has two recommendations – Sally Bellerose’s “Fishwives” and Judith Arcana’s “Hello, This is Jane.” Bellerose’s book is about feisty older lesbians. Arcana’s stories show what life was like for women before the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade.

Arts Groups Create Monuments to Women Leaders in New York & Boston

Shirley Chisholm Statue

Recent research has shown that only five of New York City’s 150 statues of historic figures depict women, and many other cities are just as bad. WomenArts reports on three arts initiatives that address these sad statistics – She Built NYC, New Shokan Kitchen Island, and Boston Women’s History Heritage Trail.

Martha Richards Consults the Oracles for her Birthday!

Sarah Greenman

I usually take time during my birthday week to reflect on the past year, but so much has happened in 2020 that I can’t sort it out with my usual logic, and I have been longing for better ways to access my intuition and other kinds of wisdom. Fortunately I have discovered Sarah Greenman’s beautiful new oracle cards.