Nominations are open for The International Centre for Women Playwrights 50/50 Applause Awards. This ICWP Award increases awareness and applauds theaters that produced a season with an equal or greater number of plays written by female playwrights.
Nominations will be accepted from Feb 15 – March 15, 2018. To make a Nomination follow this link: Nominations Online Form.
This award will be given to theatres internationally who have met the qualifying criteria. To be eligible for the 2018 International Centre for Women Playwrights 50/50 Applause Award a theatre must meet the following conditions:
- Have at least three productions in their season.
- Have plays by both female and male dramatists in their season.
- At least 50% of the plays produced during the year must be the work of female playwrights.
- At least 50% of the total number of performances during the season must be the work of female playwrights. (Nominated theatres will be asked to provide this information.)
- Large Theatre companies operating more than one theatre venue can only have productions in the Main Stage theatre spaces.
- All performances in a single theatre space, produced between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018 will be included.
What is eligible within a season?
- Musicals with a book by a woman
- Full-length shows (70 mins or more)
- Puppet theatre
- Multi-media theatre
- Productions and Co-productions by in-house theatre companies
Who is NOT eligible?
- Festivals
- Development programs, including workshops, labs, colonies and retreats
- Theatre companies that produce plays by women playwrights only.
- Theatres with fewer than three productions in the qualifying period
- Theatres with only women playwrights represented in the qualifying period
- Productions by visiting companies
- Venues that are receiving houses only.
What is NOT eligible within a season?
- Devised work
- One act festivals or shorts festivals
- Special Events
- Readings and staged readings
What is the process?
- Nominations will be open February 15 – March 15, 2018 through an online nomination form. ANYONE can nominate a theatre.
- The Awards Committee will contact all nominated theaters for further qualifying information. Information will be due April 12, 2018. If a theatre does not submit the additional information, they will be disqualified from consideration.
- Recipients will be announced in May 2018.