WomenArts Gives Statera Foundation a $25,000 SWAN Day Challenge Grant

A Special Message from Martha Richards, Executive Director, WomenArts

Martha Richards, Executive Director

I am delighted to announce that WomenArts has chosen the Statera Foundation to take over the leadership of Support Women Artists Now Day/SWAN Day in 2019.

To help Statera raise the money that they will need for SWAN Day staff and other expenses, the WomenArts board has authorized a $25,000 Challenge Grant which Statera needs to match one-to-one.

They need your help to reach their goal, and if you love SWAN Day, I hope you will give to them as generously as you can.


Watch the video below to see Martha Richards explain why WomenArts has given Statera Foundation a $25,000 Challenge Grant to lead SWAN Day 2019.

Taking SWAN Day to the Next Level

With the help of women artists around the world, WomenArts has built a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for SWAN Day during its first eleven years. There have been events in almost 40 countries, and we estimate that over 10,000 people participate in SWAN events every year.  Thousands more follow SWAN Day online through our blogs, newsletters, and social media.

It is time to take SWAN Day to the next level, and I believe that the women of the Statera Foundation have the energy, skills, and commitment to lead that effort.  They worked side-by-side with me during SWAN Day 2018, and they did a terrific job.

They increased SWAN Day’s social media presence by building a team of volunteer SWAN Ambassadors who shared our social media posts with their networks, and they plan to recruit more ambassadors in 2019. They are also planning to encourage more people to organize SWAN events by sharing the best practices of SWAN organizers through online webinars  and special SWAN sessions at their upcoming National Conference.

About Statera Foundation

The Statera Foundation Team

The Statera Foundation Team

Statera Foundation derives its name from the Latin word for balance, and they are focused on increasing opportunities for artists who identify as women.

In addition to hosting two national conferences in their first three years, they have launched a mentorship program for women in theatre, as well as gender equity training programs for theatres and schools.

Statera’s Executive Director Melinda Pfundstein has announced that the Statera team is thrilled to accept the challenge of increasing the impact of SWAN Day. “SWAN Day is a perfect fit with Statera’s goals. We have been organizing conferences and building our mentorship program because we believe in the power of women artists sharing their skills and cheering each other on. These are the core values of SWAN Day as well.”

Help Us Make SWAN Day 2019 the Best One Yet!

I hope you will join WomenArts and Statera in making SWAN Day 2019 the biggest and best one yet.  I have agreed to serve as a member of the Advisory Board of the Statera Foundation and as a mentor to Statera’s executive team, and so I will remain closely involved in SWAN Day.  I am looking forward to working with them on SWAN webinars and other joint projects between WomenArts and Statera Foundation.  The WomenArts Blog will continue to feature articles about SWAN events and other issues of interest to women.

Please help the Statera Foundation reach their Challenge Grant goal.  Remember – your gifts will be matched by WomenArts up to $25,000.  Thank you!!


Martha Richards



About SWAN Day 2019

The official date for SWAN Day 2019 is Saturday, March 30, 2019, but please feel free to celebrate any time during during March or April. The spirit of SWAN events is more important than the exact dates.