Statera Women Rise to WomenArts’ Challenge!

Statera Foundation Thermometer
Hurray for the Statera Foundation team! As we announced last week, WomenArts has chosen them  to lead Support Women Artists Now Day/SWAN Day 2019, and we have given them a $25,000 Challenge Grant which they need to match one-to-one.

We are thrilled that they have already raised over $17,300 towards the match!!  They are getting close!

Please help them raise the final $7,700 if you can!

Remember – every dollar you give will be doubled by WomenArts!



About Statera Foundation

Statera Foundation derives its name from the Latin word for balance, and they are focused on increasing opportunities for artists who identify as women.

In addition to hosting two national conferences in their first three years, they have launched a mentorship program for women in theatre, as well as gender equity training programs for theatres and schools. Meet their inspiring team in the 2-minute video below.

Help Statera Make SWAN Day 2019 the Best One Yet!

Please help the Statera team reach their Challenge Grant goal.  Remember – your gifts will be matched one-to-one by WomenArts up to $25,000. Thank you!!


SWAN Day 2019

The official date for SWAN Day 2019 is Saturday, March 30, 2019, but please feel free to celebrate any time during during March or April. The spirit of SWAN events is more important than the exact dates.

Are you hosting or organizing a 2019 SWAN Day event? Make sure you submit it to the Statera SWAN Day Calendar!

Do you have questions about SWAN Day? Reach out to Statera Foundation directly at