The Playwrights’ Center Offers 50% WomenArts Discount

The Playwrights' CenterFor playwrights and other theatre artists who want comprehensive listings of funding and other opportunities, WomenArts highly recommends The Playwrights’ Center.  Their website and newsletters are an excellent source of information and they offer a variety of other helpful services. Their annual membership is normally $50/year, but they are offering introductory memberships to all WomenArts readers for only $25/year.

Members of the Playwrights’ Center get exclusive access to an extensive, up-to-date listing of submission opportunities both nationally and internationally in addition to other membership perks such as free play readings, access to low-cost dramaturgy services, discounts on Final Draft script-writing software, free seminars, and free online listings of readings and productions. Most of their services are web-based, and you can search their listings for opportunities earmarked for women.

In order to take advantage of this opportunity, just click on their membership page and sign up for a regular membership. When filling out your personal information on the application page, use the code WomenArts at the bottom of the page in the Discount Code section and you will get a 50% ($25) discount off the yearly membership price of $50. Please call them if you have questions: 612-332-7481.