What Else Can We Do For Women Filmmakers?

Other Ways to Help Women Filmmakers and See Eye-opening Films?

Rent movies made by women
Movies By Women has compiled a list of movies made since 2000: www.moviesbywomen.com/moviesbywomenfilms.htm

You can also rent great, hard-to-find movies by women from Women Make Movies (www.wmm.com), the premiere distributor of films by women directors. Rent several and invite your friends over for a Do It Yourself film festival or get your school or community group to rent or buy these films!

Go to the movies!

Here’s a list of movies by women that may be showing on a big screen near you compiled by Movies By Women:

Feature Films

  • Bride and Prejudice directed by Bend It Like Beckham  director Gurinder Chadha
  • A Love Song for Bobby Long directed  by Shainee Gabel
  • The Woodsman directed by Nicole Kassell
  • D.E.B.S. directed by Angela Robinson
  • Easy directed by Jane Weinstock
  • Solitude directed by Pi Ware and Susan Kraker
  • Virgin directed by Deborah Kampmeier
  • Whore directed Maria Lidon
  • You, I Love directed by Olga Stolpovskaja and Smitry Troitsky
  • The Wedding Date directed by Clare Kilner


  •   Army of One directed by Sarah Goodman
  •   Born Into Brothels directed by Zana Briski & Ross Kauffman
  •   In the Realms of the Unreal directed by Jessica Yu
  •   The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill directed by Judy Irving
  •   Sunset Story directed by Laura Gabbert
  •   Empathy directed by Amie Siegel
  •   Knock Off: Revenge on the Logo directed by Anette Baldauf and Katharina Weingartner

Buy tickets for the opening weekends of films by women!

It’s especially helpful to go on opening weekend, proving there is an audience for films
by women. Sign up for the First Weekenders newsletter at: www.moviesbywomen.com
to find out what’s opening each weekend.

Use the WomenArts Network to Find Artists in Your Community.

Ruth Sergel,Kagendo Murungi, and Sheila Margaret Sofian are just three of the 150 filmmakers on the WomenArts Network. And more join every day! Search the WomenArts Network at www.WomenArts.org to discover filmmakers and other artists in your region who are doing great
work. Then contact her directly to ask about screenings, her films in progress, and how you can help!

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About Sarah Browning

Sarah Browning is Director of Split This Rock and DC Poets Against the War, author of Whiskey in the Garden of Eden (The Word Works, 2007), and co-editor of D.C. Poets Against the War: An Anthology (Argonne House Press, 2004). The recipient of an artist fellowship from the DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities, she has also received a Creative Communities Initiative grant and the People Before Profits Poetry Prize. Browning has worked as a community organizer in Boston public housing and as a political organizer for reproductive rights, gay rights, and electoral reform, and against poverty, South African apartheid, and U.S. militarism. She was founding director of Amherst Writers & Artists Institute — creative writing workshops for low-income women and youth — and Assistant Director of The Fund for Women Artists, an organization supporting socially engaged art by women. She has written essays and interviewed poets and artists for a variety of publications.