SWAN Day – Sample Press Release

When you are writing press releases, you should keep in mind that newspapers will probably cut your text. Be sure to get all the basic information about your event into the first paragraph. The end of the release is the part that is most likely to get cut, so put the less important information there.

Replace the bracketed information in the sample below with the information for your event, and please feel free to adapt it to suit your event. Always be sure to put your contact information at the top of the page, in case a reporter needs to contact you.

The sample press release below focuses on the idea that women artists are creating and inspiring change in their communities, which is one of the main themes of SWAN Day.  Feel free to adapt the focus of your press release to match the specific goals of your event.

Sample Press Release:

For Immediate Release
Date: [February 1, 2014]

Contact: [Jane Doe], Publicity Director
Phone: [415-123-1234]

Email: [janedoe@gmail.com]

[Benefit Film Screening in San Francisco]
[Local Filmmaker] Joins International Celebration of Women Artists

[First Paragraph: Give a brief description of your event, being sure to include who, where, when, what, and how much. Sample: “On Saturday, March 29, 2014, filmmaker Jane Doe will do a screening of her new film-in-progress, Local Women We Love, at the Encore Theatre, 123 Main Street, in OurTown. This is a benefit to raise finishing funds for the film, and tickets will be sliding scale from $10 – $100. To buy your tickets, call (415) 555-5555.]

This event is part of a new international celebration of women artists called SWAN Day (Support Women Artists Now Day). “Women artists are creating change in their communities and around the world,” said Martha Richards, the co-founder of SWAN Day. “This day of celebration will help people imagine what the world would be like if women’s art and perspectives were fully integrated into all of our lives. The long term goal of SWAN Day is to inspire communities to recognize and support women artists as a basic element of civic planning.”

[Give more details or background information about your event or the artists involved here. Talk about ways that this project or the artists involved are are important to your community.]

[Jane Doe] said that she is very proud to be participating in SWAN Day. “People need to recognize how many women artists are doing wonderful work,” she said. “On SWAN Day, the public will have a chance to see work by women, make donations to their favorite women artists, and be inspired to seek out the work of women artists all year long. This is a holiday that is much needed and long overdue.”

SWAN Day is an annual event facilitated by WomenArts (www.womenarts.org) taking place on the last Saturday of Women’s History Month (March) and the surrounding weeks. The idea for SWAN Day grew out of a collaboration between Martha Richards of  WomenArts and Jan Lisa Huttner of Chicago’s WITASWAN (Women in the Audiences Supporting Women Artists Now).  For more information about SWAN Day events happening around the world, please visit www.WomenArts.org/swan/.

WomenArts (www.WomenArts.org) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women artists get the resources they need to do their creative work.  Its emphasis is on women in film, video, and theatre.  The WomenArts website provides free networking, advocacy, and funding information services to approximately 2,000 visitors a day.

WITASWAN (www.films42.com/witaswan.asp) is an informal alliance of women who are using their power as consumers to increase opportunities for women artists.  It began as an initiative of the Illinois chapter of the American Association of University Women.