Not Even: Women Had Fewer Jobs Overall

What’s the overall picture?  How much work is there for women and men in San Francisco/Bay Area theatre?

In the 500 shows counted, women had fewer jobs than men in every category.

Women were best represented as non-union actors, followed by directors and union actors, with playwrights trailing behind at only 27%.  Not every show had one playwright and one director.  Some plays were co-written and/or co-directed.  Some shows were an evening of short plays that had more than one playwright and/or more than one director.  For musicals, the musical director is counted in the director category, and all writers (book, lyrics, composer) are counted in the playwright category.

TABLE 1 – Women Had Fewer Jobs Than Men Overall

Women Men
Playwrights 27%
179 artists
485 artists
Directors 42%
246 artists
339 artists
Union Actors 40%
575 artists
860 artists
Non-Union Actors 46%
1147 artists
1338 artists