Not Even: Overview of Questions Addressed

Between June 2011 and November 2014, audience members, actors, directors, stage managers, technical staff, and theatre administrators submitted gender-related data on 500 shows produced in the nine county San Francisco/Bay Area.  This report contains findings and trends resulting from an analysis of these shows.

In preparing this report, I wanted to ask questions of the data that would be of most interest to San Francisco/Bay Area theatrical decision-makers.  So I surveyed Artistic Directors, Associate Artistic Directors, Literary Managers and Casting Directors about what they would like to learn from this report.  26 artistic leaders responded to the survey.  Their top questions were:

  • What’s the overall picture? How much work is there?
  • Have the employment numbers for women changed over time?
  • How does contract type/budget size affect the gender ratios?
  • How does the year a play was written affect the gender ratios?
  • Do women write roles for women, and men write roles for men?
  • Do women direct plays by women, and men direct plays by men?
  • How often do plays have more than 50% roles for one gender?

This report looks at the data using these questions as lenses.  Additional data charts are available at, including a complete list of the 500 shows sorted by producing theatre, and show by show breakdowns of all data included in this report.